Why are they making major class changes like this (Warlock,
Spriest, etc) mid-expansion? Buy WoW Accounts. People are trying to work with their toolkit, save
mixing up the toolkit that much for between xpacs. The only Spriest
change was that Shadowform doesn't reduce damage anymore. I don't really call
that a major class change, and it definitely does nothing to their toolkit .Buy World of Warcraft Gold..
Taking away a baseline damage debuff of that much is going
to force people to play differently to stay alive. There are a TON of other
changes in there for other classes (hence "etc") that have a lot of
folks frustrated with how much their class is changing midstream.
wasn't talking about etc. -- I know there are changes to other classes. That's
why I specifically mentioned Spriests.
And really, how
much differently are you going to play? safe wow gold Did you stand in bad in raids before
this, because you take 15% less damage? Did you ignore mechanics that damage
you just because you had a little bit of extra resistance? Obviously not (or at
least, I would hope not). It's only going to make it slightly harder on
healers, not the spriests themselves.
Even in PVP,
where it could be a bigger change, how much is it really going to change your
playstyle? You'll be squishier, but you're still going to play the same way, or
did that extra 15% damage resist mean you just stood around and let enemies hit
you? Every spriest I've ever fought uses Psychic Scream on cooldown, Mind Flays
me to slow me and keep me away, constantly moves around to stay away from me,
etc. Are spriests going to suddenly do MORE of all that?
I'm not debating
that it's a nerf, but changing your playstyle to stay alive? Come on.