I have not once seen anyone kicked due to
performance in LFR and I have done over 100 LFR runs accross multiple
characters. I think you may have had some bad luck. Perhaps you got stuck with
a "mostly" guild run of some kind? Do you want to buy WOW accounts and cheapest WOW money?
The only time I've seen the raid kick someone is
if they 1) afk; 2) get disconnected for more than a short while; 3) Q as tank
or healer for faster Q but not geared/speced for their role.
As a healer, im really enjoying the rf difficulty
and the fact that peeps are getting booted for sucking. Im a healer though so
this increased wiping has made for some epic game saving moments for me. Save
the tanks from death, take a peak at the healing charts, and realize how
awesome I am, maybe lwt a couple noobs die. Talk some smack righf before they
get kicked, laugh it off, whats that? My phones ringing, answers call ( entire
raid wipes ) someone other than me gets kicked , ten minutes later I come back
over our group is almost ready to go again after the chaos. I say something
inspirational like come guys we e can gwt this now. We defeat the boss, I get
27 gold, half the raid leaves, another group of noobs reloads our raid and we
do it again
LFR should be mostly for PLAYING the content, not
GEARING. When did it go from 'experiencing' content to gearing for it?
Either way just heavy emphasis that raiding (at
least in wow) is dead. Good bye progression and feeling sof achievement, hello
making everything so easy a caveman could do it (couldn't resist!).
When will people realize that difficulty and the
work done to achieve a kill is what made raiding so rewarding in the past?
There was less content but we were so much more to occupy ourselves with
attempting to progress and get to new places beating something and feeling such
a great sense of accomplishment. I'm not
saying we have to lose content, we can have more things to do but why take away
such a great feeling of making progress? In part its even diminishing the
effect of a guild to even really bother forming up, weakening the community.