
The Feature Before Posting Your Crap

How many of you actually read about the feature before posting your crap? this feature has nothing to do with casual or hardcore or money grabbing, cheapest world of warcraft gold it is simply a most wanted feature that players had been asking since classic days. if i have a 10 man group i can most definitely do 10 man raid but what if i have 12? then i will have to remove 2 players or keep looking for more until i can find someone which is about 15 mins and then kick 2 players from group to do 10 man. but this new feature will allow me to do any raid even if i have more than 10 players but less than current maximum 25, wow gold buying  meaning i can do raid with 11 to 24 players and the difficulty of raid will go up with each player i invite to raid or go down with each leaver. it is as simple as that. 
I cant prove numbers.... but i quit WoW because they got rid of 40 man difficult team oriented content.
I loved how painful AQ40 was. I loved getting my resist gear together. I loved running around in my pink robes in pvp and breaking out my old Anathama staff just to face melt despite its then lack luster dps... it was just cool to use.
I LOVED having to maintain my rank 13 status. I loved fighting TM and SS all day before the guards were given god mode.
I loved 12 hour AV's.
Fuck casual WoW
Edit: though i would have loved some minor scale to raids so on nights we had 48 people logged we could bring 48 people.
So this is comparable to GW2 "event scaling", where the difficulty changes based on the number of participants? Sounds like a good idea to me so long as they're careful with their balancing. If the scale is off a bit it'll make certain numbers either too easy or too hard.

you cant balance a game that has gear inflation + trinity + wants to hook the full playe base - ie lowest common denominator.  to balance all that you do one thing, you scale down the difficulty to the point where these factors are not an influence. buy cheap wow accounts Hence why the gear level is below raiding.

