should really make a section of their site about "Powers which are really
cool in theory, wow gold for sell but
we actually have no idea what we want them to do." See: Anti-Magic Zone,
various Warlock Shields for more info.
a lot of warrior quality of life buffs. and some buffs for Arms. Wonder what
made them finally give up the ghost on shield requirements?
don't see Stormbolt being taken as fury, Bloodbath works better with their
mechanics, and SB only becomes great inside a CS window - which arms can
Chi Brew change is fucking meaningless, but the healing elixirs change is a bit
nice. Definitely makes it more appealing when the other two talents don't apply
(the case in 10-man Normal more often than not).
Power Strikes change is fucking huge, buy world of warcraft
accounts especially since the datamined T16 bonuses don't
favor haste.
anyone else feel that BM and SV for Hunters are now going to be the equivalent
of a Druid Tank in Vanilla?
reliable interrupts on bosses (for 2 of the 3 specs), and the readiness change
seems to be a pretty big nerf to both DPS for PVE and CC's for PVP that at
the moment do not seem to be compensated for. Now I know this is only the
PTR and very early in the cycle for it, but having only 1 spec in a
pure class have access to a silence / interrupt for bosses, seems as
if they just hate hunters.
in regards to the Readiness "nerf" I am glad they did that, hopefully
it will make balancing the class easier, while yeah it stinks, it may be good
in the long run.