
Kung Fu Panda in WoW

Big fan of the idea behind the monk class, being able to tank, heal, or mdps is great. World of Warcraft accounts for sell Worried they will become the new Paly/DK as in everyone will have one and most will be horrible.
The Pandaren race itself.. well, it all depends on the animations really.
From screen shots they are far too round for my liking.. too "comic" but if the animations and expressions etc. make the race take itself seriously and look more bad ass then cute, might be pretty cool. WoW gold for sale
The talent system changes just... so idiot proof I understand the logic behind it but I just can't get on board with it.
I was apprehensive enough of the Cataclysm talent changes, this just goes WAY too far IMO.
I would have prefered 100+ point talent trees by now and ample opportunity for failure in them, but I like theorycrafting and min/maxing.
MoP really, really makes me hope/pray that The Old Republic is as good as I think it is going to be, because yeah... between Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria I just don't think I can support WoW anymore.

A focus on the tension between the Alliance and the Horde, coupled with the return of open-world bosses. Yeah, I'm going to play Mists of Pandaria. With the future return of Illidan as well, I know I will definitely blast my way through the game and end Illidan once more. cheapest World of Warcraft gold
I have played and "quit" wow multiple times over the years, but I am actually thinking of going back because of this expac haha.

What is funny is everyone makes jokes about "kung fu pandas" hmmm if you have ever played a lot of WoW you know how many silly funny things exist in the game, that is Blizz. There are real life mockings of people and places, subtle references to real life things.... THAT is what grabs so many people. That is a HUGE reason why WoW has remained so huge over time.

It IS silly, it IS goofy, it IS ridiculous and obviously IT WORKS.

I used to think I didn't really like WoW and why I would take breaks from it was because it was too cartoony... but then I would try other games that tried to be more "realistic" and they wouldn't last.... I realized that "Cartoony" is unreastic and the unrealism is what keeps people playing for some reason. Because your expectation is not let down. I played Aion and Rift, but in the end at some point there is let down. WoW I have gone back to more times than I can count!

