
Different Gear Sets Still Pertain?

The different gear was introduced to solve the problem of players gearing up for pve via pvp and vice versa. But is that a problem? In the olden days, epics were easier to get via pvp, but that is clearly no longer the case; quite the reverse, Where to sell World of Warcraft accounts  actually. So do the original reasons for the different gear sets still pertain?
Honestly, this is a personal choice of the developers and never made much sense to me.

What does it matter if you use one for the other. Normalizing on one type of gear would make game play easier for the vast majority of players.

You could move between PvE and PvP seamlessly and enjoy more aspects of the game without either picking one or spending 40 hours a week grinding both to "be competitive."

I know the reason, I played in Vanilla. The point is, the distinction makes it problematic for everyone. Developers have to fight through these issues design wise, and players have to fight through them game wise.

Both parties would benefit from simply removing the distinct gear requirement for both.

One type of gear for both situations.
The problem is tied to RNG vs. Static methods of acquisition.  PVE still relies on RNG (more so at higher levels of play), PVP still relies entirely on currency.  Having PVE & PVP gear be the same thing means many people would PVP to fill slots for PVE.  This is precisely what happened before Burning Crusade, and quite a few players were furious about the situation.  

If you thought people were mad about being "required" to do dailies, where to buy WoW accounts wait until you see the response to being "required" to PVP.


VP has never been and will never be balanced

Ghostcrawler needs to be replaced. PVP has never been and will never be balanced. Then factor in PVE and we have an extremely frustrating buff/nerf cycle that does nothing but frustrate the players. buy cheap wow accounts Truly horrible game design. PVP needs it's own game (separate from PVE) and it needs developers capable of balancing the classes. 

MoP is the best expac since BC, but that's not really saying much.

GC is the face of the B team of Blizzard's WoW developers, who I think are largely transplanted from Activision.  The A-team who created amazing content like Vanilla and BC are working on Titan.  Which will undoubtedly be awesome until they decide to had it off to a similar B-team.
 Can't blame all of it on GC - there's a whole team involved and he can't be everywhere at once.  I do think that whomever has the final say on PvP design seems to have two flaws that conflate disastrously:

1.  He or she sees PvP as a numbers game. fast wow gold I'm sure that in some formula somewhere the overabundance of CC in Pandaria was likely countering the perceived strength of healers, but in the 'real' world of the average BG it's just so incredibly frustrating to just stand there waiting for the next time you can do something (and don't get me started on that new timer - it's sole purpose seems to be to mock you with your impotence).

2.  He or she is unable to "balance PvP" (small phrase covering a large variety of variables), whether because of personal shortcomings, due to the fact that a single system of "balances" has to simultaneously address two completely different systems of play (PvE and PvP), or some combination of both.

In the end you get a flawed approach to PvP based on equations rather than players, and then when that goes awry you get frantic 'dial twisting' of the few tools available to address the problem, which predictably also goes awry, Where to sell World of Warcraft accounts  leading to ever-more-frantic 'dial twisting', which yet again also goes awry, ad infinitum...


I Would Add SMS Protect

I would add SMS Protect if Blizzard would fix their system that believes my phone is a pre-pay while it's actually not.
I'm tired of Blizzard saying they can do nothing about it. how to buy wow gold They could certainly push on their data vendor.
Just woke up to find a couple hundred thousand gold missing from my main and an alt. None of my gear or any of the other valuable stuff was gone, so I'm going to assume that this is the case. Hopefully they can resolve this issue quickly, as it's really frustrating.  I didn't check my mailbox originally before I put in my ticket, but I just did and have won auctions for white items on the two characters I am missing gold on. Didn't have SMS protect on my account either (where to buy wow accounts
If only SMS protect could be used on all phones that have SMS/Text plans. Virgin Mobile (in the US) only comes up as a "unsupported" pre-paid phone. Even for the non-contract data plans (curse you low cost Jellybean 4glte phone).
SMS protect really wouldn't help to much in this case as "buying from the AH" might not trigger the suspicious alert and it doesn't require you to enter a SMS code for buying/selling. That is only for the D3 RMAH. 
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one this has happened to today. Luckily it was all fixed in about an hour by the customer service and I got all my gold back. buy wow account My guild GM advised me to get CS to disable the mobile auction house on my account as the same thing had happened to him a few months ago. 


Heroic upgraded PvE gear

Holinka's tweeted that the intent is not for Heroic upgraded PvE gear to outdamage PvP sets in world PvP. buy cheap wow accounts So expect PvP Power to be tweaked if that looks like being the case.
In Arenas and BGs it's not an issue so much - the lack of PvP Power on the raid sets will keep them from being too strong when downscaled, even if a player decides to throw gold at it and gem for Resilience or Power over just grinding an Honor set.
 Yeah it will be a welcome change for instanced pvp like this, but do you realize how much pvp power they would have to throw on weapons to make up the difference?  Look at my comparison post above.  I haven't done the math but it would have to be 50%+ damage from pvp power to make up that difference.  And that won't work because it will just imbalance arena in favor of pvpers again.
 I agree. Weapons are a problem - of course, they're also a problem right now. Top PvE weapons are better than their PvP equivalents because the amount of PvP Power on other items of gear makes it less significant on a weapon.
 I think I currently have 54% pvp power.  I meant you would need that just from the weapon, not all your gear combined.  Otherwise you've got a S11 scenario where everybody uses a PVE weapon and pvp gear.  At least that won't be in arenas anymore, which is a welcome change.
The pvp power is broken on wowhead due to Titan's grip calcs, how to buy WoW gold but I can tell you it won't be enough to counteract:
1136 Sta
671 Str
197 Crit (0.33%)
1436 Hit (4.22%)
2768.8 Melee DPS
7975 Melee Min Damage
11963 Melee Max Damage
1 Sockets


Heroic Raiding Gear

Tyrannical should not be comparable to Heroic Raiding Gear, buy cheap wow accounts What so now you want to defeat people who put in the time and effort to down those bosses to sit around and smoke their corpses. Nice Class you got there.
Tryannical should be comparable to Raiding and Elite should be comparable to Heroic Raiding.
I bet those Elites should be comparable with Heroics from PVP Power boost. Also 476 DK (FULL ON MALVOENCE YOU TWIT WHICH TOOK NO SKILL TO GET ) stacking FULL NO RESIL which you should know by now if you ever read WOW INSIDER is fin broken, they can nerf your damage beyond redemption if you let it go far enough. 
 Whoa, why so angry?  Tyrannical and Tyrannical elite have the same stats.  So somebody who is in the top 0.5% of active pvpers didn't put in the time and effort to BE SUCCESSFUL AT WORLD PVP? 
I don't want to turn this into a pissing match between whether pve or pvp is harder, but it stands to reason that the best pvpers should never be the best at killing dragons, and the best raiders shouldn't be able to murder every pvper they see just because of gear.  They are making arenas more fair, they are giving everyone resilience, we only want to know why they are breaking world pvp in the process.
And here is a tip for the next time you are trying to do your dailies and run into somebody who has won an arena match at some point in their life.  Play smart.  Losing 2v1 to somebody in honor gear (which as you said is easy to get) is the equivalent of dying because you stood in the bad. WoW gold buying On LFR.  Either go get some honor gear (which apparently takes no skill) or do the pve dailies like the keyboard-turning illiterate child you are.


Powers which are really cool in WOW

Blizzard should really make a section of their site about "Powers which are really cool in theory, wow gold for sell but we actually have no idea what we want them to do." See: Anti-Magic Zone, various Warlock Shields for more info.
That's a lot of warrior quality of life buffs. and some buffs for Arms. Wonder what made them finally give up the ghost on shield requirements?
Still don't see Stormbolt being taken as fury, Bloodbath works better with their mechanics, and SB only becomes great inside a CS window - which arms can guarantee.
The Chi Brew change is fucking meaningless, but the healing elixirs change is a bit nice. Definitely makes it more appealing when the other two talents don't apply (the case in 10-man Normal more often than not).
The Power Strikes change is fucking huge, buy world of warcraft accounts especially since the datamined T16 bonuses don't favor haste.
Does anyone else feel that BM and SV for Hunters are now going to be the equivalent of a Druid Tank in Vanilla?
No reliable interrupts on bosses (for 2 of the 3 specs), and the readiness change seems to be a pretty big nerf to both DPS for PVE and CC's for PVP that at the moment do not seem to be compensated for. Now I know this is only the PTR and very early in the cycle for it, but having only 1 spec in a pure class have access to a silence / interrupt for bosses, seems as if they just hate hunters.

However in regards to the Readiness "nerf" I am glad they did that, hopefully it will make balancing the class easier, while yeah it stinks, it may be good in the long run.


Removing the dot refreshing component

They have taken a spell which already could be casted while moving, and gave it a cast time, and then made it able to cast it while moving. gold for wow If this is not trolling the player base, I don't know what it may be. 

Casting fel flame, opens another spell to interruption which will lock shadow & fire spells from being cast. Fel Flame was the only instant damaging direct spell for affliction!
Removing the dot refreshing component while it may be situationally useful in PVE, it hurts a lot in PVP. In PVP you would cast UA an then refresh it always with Fel Flame so you would not open the possibility for a interrupt by re-casting UA.

I hope that if they go through these horrible changes, the damage from DOTS is not nerfed again. In PVP, specially in arena you rely on abusing LoS while channeling Malefic Grasp and Drain Soul as it is the only way to deal significant damage and rebuild your shards.

Blizzard is giving here the impression that the don't know what they're doing with the class. They have only one thing clear: they want KJC nerfed into the ground. Just they don't have any other plan on what to do with the class given that it relied so much on this talent (specially affliction and destruction).Now it seems that in order to nerf KJC, they need to overhaul all the class's spells. Good luck with that blizz, i'll probably try again on 6.0. You are not giving me any confidence that the changes you are pushing will result in something useful for the class.

TIP: LET US CAST MG and DS on the move and revert all this crap. It will keep the fun on the class and it will not be OP buy cheap wow accounts . (fear on the move was OP let's get rid of that)

The Feature Before Posting Your Crap

How many of you actually read about the feature before posting your crap? this feature has nothing to do with casual or hardcore or money grabbing, cheapest world of warcraft gold it is simply a most wanted feature that players had been asking since classic days. if i have a 10 man group i can most definitely do 10 man raid but what if i have 12? then i will have to remove 2 players or keep looking for more until i can find someone which is about 15 mins and then kick 2 players from group to do 10 man. but this new feature will allow me to do any raid even if i have more than 10 players but less than current maximum 25, wow gold buying  meaning i can do raid with 11 to 24 players and the difficulty of raid will go up with each player i invite to raid or go down with each leaver. it is as simple as that. 
I cant prove numbers.... but i quit WoW because they got rid of 40 man difficult team oriented content.
I loved how painful AQ40 was. I loved getting my resist gear together. I loved running around in my pink robes in pvp and breaking out my old Anathama staff just to face melt despite its then lack luster dps... it was just cool to use.
I LOVED having to maintain my rank 13 status. I loved fighting TM and SS all day before the guards were given god mode.
I loved 12 hour AV's.
Fuck casual WoW
Edit: though i would have loved some minor scale to raids so on nights we had 48 people logged we could bring 48 people.
So this is comparable to GW2 "event scaling", where the difficulty changes based on the number of participants? Sounds like a good idea to me so long as they're careful with their balancing. If the scale is off a bit it'll make certain numbers either too easy or too hard.

you cant balance a game that has gear inflation + trinity + wants to hook the full playe base - ie lowest common denominator.  to balance all that you do one thing, you scale down the difficulty to the point where these factors are not an influence. buy cheap wow accounts Hence why the gear level is below raiding.


Blizzard Hhas Managed

Blizzard has managed, with just 2 lines in the PTR notes, what mages have been unable to do: kill warlocks. wow gold for sell This isn't just QQ. If you play a level 90 lock, you know that KJC as it is now, is not OP and is a defining way the class plays. This nerf with out any buffs will significantly affect warlock DPS especially affliction and destro. I guess I need to go learn how to play demo or level my hunter from 85-90.
.Well you do understand that the test realm is beta content right? I mean, thats kinda the point. So they can try things and see how they work, before putting them live. If its as devestating as you suggest, Im sure they'll notice.
Sorry.  I'm just a bit tired of the drama. buy cheap wow accounts Go tothe PTR, try and write about why its bad if yout think so. thats why its there.
Welcome to the life of a Shadow Priest. were the least mobile ranged class in the game we have to hard cast everything. only move we can do on the run is Spam SWP which is laughable.
imo KJC isnt the problem with locks its the massive bubbles and self healing that brings u from 20% to full while still laying down heavy damage thats the problem. To kill a lock atm it take numerous people and you have to go through his heath bar 2 or 3 times to get the kill
Well there gos any chance you had  at making much money from AH   say  hello to al tons and a tons and tons and tons of new ppl  to undercut  you. Most  mats  will become almost valueless


WoW Can Never Be Street Fighter

Warlocks weren't exactly tearing shit up.wow gold for sell I don't get it. They should have just removed chaos bolt from the casting while moving if they wanted to nerf it a bit. It would play more like ele that way. But just straight up axing it to the point nobody will pick it is pretty absurd.
I don't think they understand what they're doing to warlocks.  GC says WoW can never be Street Fighter because it's server based, but it's too late!   We have eaten the forbidden fruit, and anyone who's put some hours in on a KJC lock knows damn well WoW can do fast, fun, high-action combat.  Now they're all, "Nothing to see here!  That never happened!  Go back to standing still and watching bars fill up like every other fire mage."
As I understand it,buy cheap wow accounts  VRs will include ALL aspects of the game, whereby CRZ has been extremely limited to only low level zones and even then prohibitive in the way it allows you interact (or more appropriately NOT) with other players.
It will probably be too soon to say, but I'd wager that if VRs don't help the issue of 'ghost zones' and being able to complete ENTIRE story arcs inside a zone without seeing another player in a Multiplayer game, they will continue to use CRZ to counter this.
However I cannot speak with any authority on the subject, if VRs solve the problems CRZ was designed and brought in to solve in the first place CRZ may well be a thing of the past, I will miss it, but I think I am the only one ^^
In short, if VRs populate low level zones, CRZ is likely gone, else don't expect anything to change IMO.

Armor Mogging Rules of WOW

All I can see them doing for armor mogging rules is letting classes that go up an armor rank mog back into the original stuff. wow gold for sell Ex. A warrior running around in the scarlet crusade armor. Actually, I had this crazy idea for a "reformed Defias" faction the other day. I imagined them as this kind of "vigilante justice" organisation, lurking in the shadows of Stormwind and tracking down criminals too powerful to be put down by the law.
Maybe Garrosh does indeed consume the last remnants of Y'shaarj. Maybe this is all part of their life cycle with Garrosh serving as the womb for the rebirth of the Old God but if he dies before the rebirth, Y'Shaarj  dies with him. Question for the readers. where to buy wow accounts I am thinking about returning to the game after a long break and I want to transfer my horde main. I am currently on Medivh which last time I checked was at around 7 to 1 ratio against the horde. Can anyone recommend a new home with better odds and some horde pride?
Answer depends on your criteria and situation.
The cost-saving answer would be to hold off on any kind of transfer for now.  In 5.4, Blizzard has promised to merge realm communities (e.g. a "server merge") and presumably they will do so with both population and faction balance in mind.  Granted, this is not due to take place until August or September -- whenever patch 5.4 launches -- but however successful/not the exercise, the result is going to be your toon playing in a merged community anyway.  In other words?  Save your fifteen bucks if you don't care about waiting a couple of months.
The expediency-related answer is to check one of the population-reporting sites out there for real guidance.  These are inaccurate at best, in that they only measure semi-active toons and they fall prey to partial and/or innacurate data collection techniques, but they are at least more reliable than the very general guidelines Blizzard provides.
A caution here will be to make sure you are moving (should you transfer) to ONLY a realm listed as "high population."  The active player population has dwindled drastically in recent months, and those listed as "medium" and "low" population realms are ghost towns as far as active, local communities.
Best advice? buy world of warcraft accounts  Depends on how much gearing/catching up your toon is facing.  If you quit playing long ago and are several months behind on gear, I would rejoin now, play catch-up using LFR and Dailies, and wait to see what happens once they merge the servers.  Chances/hopes are you'll find yourself playing in a semi-balanced faction situation then --and you'll not have spent a dime extra needlessly.  If you quit playing more recently and aren't too far behind on gear and such, you might want to hold off rejoining until the first half of August or so, keeping an eye on blogs like this for 5.4 release information.  This way, you'll be ready to roar in a merged situation when the patch releases.
P.S.  If PvP is your thing, disregard most all of the above.  Instead, start reading up on the massive and game-changing things that have been released in recent months.  The PvP scene has changed dramatically and almost none of the old rules apply anymore!