
I Would Add SMS Protect

I would add SMS Protect if Blizzard would fix their system that believes my phone is a pre-pay while it's actually not.
I'm tired of Blizzard saying they can do nothing about it. how to buy wow gold They could certainly push on their data vendor.
Just woke up to find a couple hundred thousand gold missing from my main and an alt. None of my gear or any of the other valuable stuff was gone, so I'm going to assume that this is the case. Hopefully they can resolve this issue quickly, as it's really frustrating.  I didn't check my mailbox originally before I put in my ticket, but I just did and have won auctions for white items on the two characters I am missing gold on. Didn't have SMS protect on my account either (where to buy wow accounts
If only SMS protect could be used on all phones that have SMS/Text plans. Virgin Mobile (in the US) only comes up as a "unsupported" pre-paid phone. Even for the non-contract data plans (curse you low cost Jellybean 4glte phone).
SMS protect really wouldn't help to much in this case as "buying from the AH" might not trigger the suspicious alert and it doesn't require you to enter a SMS code for buying/selling. That is only for the D3 RMAH. 
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one this has happened to today. Luckily it was all fixed in about an hour by the customer service and I got all my gold back. buy wow account My guild GM advised me to get CS to disable the mobile auction house on my account as the same thing had happened to him a few months ago. 

