
Armor Mogging Rules of WOW

All I can see them doing for armor mogging rules is letting classes that go up an armor rank mog back into the original stuff. wow gold for sell Ex. A warrior running around in the scarlet crusade armor. Actually, I had this crazy idea for a "reformed Defias" faction the other day. I imagined them as this kind of "vigilante justice" organisation, lurking in the shadows of Stormwind and tracking down criminals too powerful to be put down by the law.
Maybe Garrosh does indeed consume the last remnants of Y'shaarj. Maybe this is all part of their life cycle with Garrosh serving as the womb for the rebirth of the Old God but if he dies before the rebirth, Y'Shaarj  dies with him. Question for the readers. where to buy wow accounts I am thinking about returning to the game after a long break and I want to transfer my horde main. I am currently on Medivh which last time I checked was at around 7 to 1 ratio against the horde. Can anyone recommend a new home with better odds and some horde pride?
Answer depends on your criteria and situation.
The cost-saving answer would be to hold off on any kind of transfer for now.  In 5.4, Blizzard has promised to merge realm communities (e.g. a "server merge") and presumably they will do so with both population and faction balance in mind.  Granted, this is not due to take place until August or September -- whenever patch 5.4 launches -- but however successful/not the exercise, the result is going to be your toon playing in a merged community anyway.  In other words?  Save your fifteen bucks if you don't care about waiting a couple of months.
The expediency-related answer is to check one of the population-reporting sites out there for real guidance.  These are inaccurate at best, in that they only measure semi-active toons and they fall prey to partial and/or innacurate data collection techniques, but they are at least more reliable than the very general guidelines Blizzard provides.
A caution here will be to make sure you are moving (should you transfer) to ONLY a realm listed as "high population."  The active player population has dwindled drastically in recent months, and those listed as "medium" and "low" population realms are ghost towns as far as active, local communities.
Best advice? buy world of warcraft accounts  Depends on how much gearing/catching up your toon is facing.  If you quit playing long ago and are several months behind on gear, I would rejoin now, play catch-up using LFR and Dailies, and wait to see what happens once they merge the servers.  Chances/hopes are you'll find yourself playing in a semi-balanced faction situation then --and you'll not have spent a dime extra needlessly.  If you quit playing more recently and aren't too far behind on gear and such, you might want to hold off rejoining until the first half of August or so, keeping an eye on blogs like this for 5.4 release information.  This way, you'll be ready to roar in a merged situation when the patch releases.
P.S.  If PvP is your thing, disregard most all of the above.  Instead, start reading up on the massive and game-changing things that have been released in recent months.  The PvP scene has changed dramatically and almost none of the old rules apply anymore!

