

I don't agree that Ambush is sub rogues defining ability.. Buying world of warcraft account.Find Weakness may be though.  Honestly, a "defining ability" isn't so much present for a sub rogue as a "play style" is. I mean, how can Ambush be sub's defining ability when both other spec's have it? Besides, Sub rogues belong in pvp over pve. Our ability to re-enter stealth and re-open allows us to proc find weakness off of ambush, garrote, and cheap shot which lends more to the argument that Find Weakness is our defining ability, or is it Shadow Dance?  That is a debate for the theory crafters i suppose. In any event I don't agree either that the rogue needs a tanking spec.  WoW is a MMORPG and the last 3 letters of that abbreviation stand for Role Playing Game. To role play a rogue is not to tank with one, it's to slip out of the shadows and attack abruptly or better said...ambush (not to be confused with the ambush ability).  Besides, most all tanks are wearing plate armor with the exception of Druids and even that is a fallacy. Druids should not be tanking, changing shape sure, casting spells absolutely but that's it...if you want to role play correctly that is. Alas, in this day of creating your own rules, blizzard will do what they do but I for one don't have to agree that it's right.
Honestly, though. WoW accounts for sale They need to get rid of positional requirements. Ambush has to work regardless of which way your target is facing. Backstab is just a crippled version of Sinister Strike. It could be removed and Hemo bumped up and made into the main Combo Point Builder for Sub.

