Id like to see the Challenge Mode dungeon mog stuff be offered
to sufficiently 'proved' players. Cheapest WoW accounts I'm all for nifty titles, gear, tabards, pets, mounts,
whatever, but probably not the same stuff as Challenge Modes. Though both are
evidence of some version of skill (or of paying someone with skill), they are
different. Challenge Modes do include a level of group cooperation that Proving
Grounds just don't, since they are solo experiences. CMs also deal with
learning 9 different dungeons and all the different tricks involved. Proving
Grounds, even Endless Mode, is essentially one dungeon that keeps getting harder.
They're not the same thing, so they shouldn't share rewards.
They should absolutely each have their own rewards.
I'd like to keep the CM stuff for just those folks,
perhaps Blizz could give some achievements or something to those that do
these. A title or something would be nice if you complete the highest
skill level challenge. Yeah, the
titles offered ("the Proven Tank," "the Proven Healer" and
"the Proven Damage Dealer") are pretty meh. It would be neat to get
some cool transmog gear out of this, but honestly I'm just excited to be able
to work on my tanking away from judgmental eyes, hehe.
And while I'm pretty comfortable and confident in my healing,
it'll be a fun mini-game to try and go deeper and deeper into Endless mode as a
healer (or DPS).
I like this for a variety of reasons. Buying world of
warcraft account Hopefully it will have a wide range of skill levels and won't be
too easy to finish. I would like to have something to challenge myself on
and to analyze healing meters with.
Should help with the amount of tanks and healers queue'ing as
well... I hope. Having a way to practice a new spec before being
unleashed on the sometimes less than amiable random player should elicit some
more confidence to try these roles out.