
Blizzard Doesn't Do Middlegrounds Well

It's funny how people complained in Cata there was nothing to do outside of raiding. Now in MoP, people complained there was too much to do (i.e.: dailies) out of raiding. Blizz removes most of the dailies after 5.2 and people still complain Buying world of warcraft account that there is a lack of direction now. The fans can never be pleased, it seems.

 What you don't understand is that Blizzard doesn't do middlegrounds well. They swing from one extreme to another. They don't know how to design the game halfway so that there is just enough dailies to keep people interested but not overwhelm us.

I've heard that most people liked the 5.1 daily hubs and the isle of thunder. Both had enough stuff to do, story to experience, WoW accounts for sale and dailies. All Blizzard heard was the backlash from when MoP started and because they have to make these decisions long time in advance, designed 5.3 and 5.4 to not have dailies.

ignoring all that: Blizzard can't please all of the players.. but that's largely in part of the sheer number and diversity of us. This is why we're getting another raid level difficulty. The Fans will never be pleased because some of them like option a, some option b, and some option z. 

What Blizzard needs to figure out how to do is incorporate elements of the entire alphabet of options. It's a huge undertaking and not something they can just do tomorrow. 

I really hope they do more event based content in place of, or at least in addition to dailies in the future.  
Battlefield Barrens imo worked out very well (unless you play on a dead server that is).   
Opinions differ; can't please everyone all the time. Personally, I find Barrens tedious and boring. I did it the first week and never bothered to go there again. Wasted content IMO.

