
Blizzard Doesn't Do Middlegrounds Well

It's funny how people complained in Cata there was nothing to do outside of raiding. Now in MoP, people complained there was too much to do (i.e.: dailies) out of raiding. Blizz removes most of the dailies after 5.2 and people still complain Buying world of warcraft account that there is a lack of direction now. The fans can never be pleased, it seems.

 What you don't understand is that Blizzard doesn't do middlegrounds well. They swing from one extreme to another. They don't know how to design the game halfway so that there is just enough dailies to keep people interested but not overwhelm us.

I've heard that most people liked the 5.1 daily hubs and the isle of thunder. Both had enough stuff to do, story to experience, WoW accounts for sale and dailies. All Blizzard heard was the backlash from when MoP started and because they have to make these decisions long time in advance, designed 5.3 and 5.4 to not have dailies.

ignoring all that: Blizzard can't please all of the players.. but that's largely in part of the sheer number and diversity of us. This is why we're getting another raid level difficulty. The Fans will never be pleased because some of them like option a, some option b, and some option z. 

What Blizzard needs to figure out how to do is incorporate elements of the entire alphabet of options. It's a huge undertaking and not something they can just do tomorrow. 

I really hope they do more event based content in place of, or at least in addition to dailies in the future.  
Battlefield Barrens imo worked out very well (unless you play on a dead server that is).   
Opinions differ; can't please everyone all the time. Personally, I find Barrens tedious and boring. I did it the first week and never bothered to go there again. Wasted content IMO.


Normal Shado-Pan

I've played all 3 roles. It's the tanks' job to get aggro. It's the healers job to heal damage. It's the DPS' job to do damage. It's everyone's job to avoid damage. 
"Teaching" someone a lesson by not healing them IS arrogant, and it makes you a jerk. It's choosing not to do your job in order to pass moral judgment on your group members. 
And no where in this conversation were we talking about only progression fights.  We are talking about healing.  Healing raids, WoW accounts for sale LFR, 5-mans, etc...  Healers prioritize heals based upon where they are needed most to win.  End of story.  If it's farm, then there's no excuse at all. You shouldn't be close to OOM, or close to your HPS capacity. That's why it's farm. In those situations (5 mans, LFRs), there's absolutely no excuse not to heal people. Please show me where I said I was out to "teach lessons".  I'm not trying to teach a lesson by intentionally not healing someone.  I said that heals have to be prioritized to win.  They do.  I'm not teaching someone a lesson if they d/c in a puddle... I still can't keep them up to the detriment of the rest of the raid, though.  I need quotes or something. 
"Last night I healed a rogue in normal Shado-Pan. He died twice and otherwise continually stood in the crap on the floor. Both times he died he went from 90% to 0% in about two seconds, and when he stood in the crap, I saved him. He quite obviously was still learning what was dangerous and what was not. The running joke was "don't stand in that" and "don't stand in that either" and he took it quite well. (What can I say, I'm a druid so healing is lols for me.)" 
from j.ashton.dude, is who I was denouncing for trying to teach lessons by withholding heals. 
One of DPS' jobs is to not stand in the crap on the floor. Sorry you missed that lesson. I learned it back in Burning Crusade and have carried it with me since then. You think it's difficult to go OOM in a LFR trying to heal someone through a puddle?  Where to buy wow accounts I have a 535 ilvl in my healing set and will go out of mana in LFR if people stand in all kinds of things. Either that or people will die because who knows how capable the other healers are.
You say you have healed, but you sure aren't sounding like it.

The Challenge Mode Dungeon Mog

Id like to see the Challenge Mode dungeon mog stuff be offered to sufficiently 'proved' players. Cheapest WoW accounts I'm all for nifty titles, gear, tabards, pets, mounts, whatever, but probably not the same stuff as Challenge Modes. Though both are evidence of some version of skill (or of paying someone with skill), they are different. Challenge Modes do include a level of group cooperation that Proving Grounds just don't, since they are solo experiences. CMs also deal with learning 9 different dungeons and all the different tricks involved. Proving Grounds, even Endless Mode, is essentially one dungeon that keeps getting harder.
They're not the same thing, so they shouldn't share rewards. They should absolutely each have their own rewards.
 I'd like to keep the CM stuff for just those folks, perhaps Blizz could give some achievements or something to those that do these.  A title or something would be nice if you complete the highest skill level challenge.  Yeah, the titles offered ("the Proven Tank," "the Proven Healer" and "the Proven Damage Dealer") are pretty meh. It would be neat to get some cool transmog gear out of this, but honestly I'm just excited to be able to work on my tanking away from judgmental eyes, hehe.
And while I'm pretty comfortable and confident in my healing, it'll be a fun mini-game to try and go deeper and deeper into Endless mode as a healer (or DPS).
I like this for a variety of reasons.  Buying world of warcraft account Hopefully it will have a wide range of skill levels and won't be too easy to finish.  I would like to have something to challenge myself on and to analyze healing meters with.
Should help with the amount of tanks and healers queue'ing as well... I hope.  Having a way to practice a new spec before being unleashed on the sometimes less than amiable random player should elicit some more confidence to try these roles out.



I don't agree that Ambush is sub rogues defining ability.. Buying world of warcraft account.Find Weakness may be though.  Honestly, a "defining ability" isn't so much present for a sub rogue as a "play style" is. I mean, how can Ambush be sub's defining ability when both other spec's have it? Besides, Sub rogues belong in pvp over pve. Our ability to re-enter stealth and re-open allows us to proc find weakness off of ambush, garrote, and cheap shot which lends more to the argument that Find Weakness is our defining ability, or is it Shadow Dance?  That is a debate for the theory crafters i suppose. In any event I don't agree either that the rogue needs a tanking spec.  WoW is a MMORPG and the last 3 letters of that abbreviation stand for Role Playing Game. To role play a rogue is not to tank with one, it's to slip out of the shadows and attack abruptly or better said...ambush (not to be confused with the ambush ability).  Besides, most all tanks are wearing plate armor with the exception of Druids and even that is a fallacy. Druids should not be tanking, changing shape sure, casting spells absolutely but that's it...if you want to role play correctly that is. Alas, in this day of creating your own rules, blizzard will do what they do but I for one don't have to agree that it's right.
Honestly, though. WoW accounts for sale They need to get rid of positional requirements. Ambush has to work regardless of which way your target is facing. Backstab is just a crippled version of Sinister Strike. It could be removed and Hemo bumped up and made into the main Combo Point Builder for Sub.


I Love Wowcrendor's Videos

All his stuff is fun. I enjoy watching him play games I am not even interested in because his commentary is fun. I watched him level a troll hunter this morning through Stonetalon. XD
The podcast with Jesse Cox is also incredibly silly and awesome.
Kudos to you, and keep up the good work. 
Wowcrendor is like Stevie Wonder in that if you don't like him, there's seriously something wrong with you. If Fans Ran Wold of Warcraft is one of my favorites. It cracks me up every single time. Especially the loading tip screen - you stronger than that!  and the zombie dragons and the whole last minute.

His video on how to win at pvp is still my all time favorite youtube video.  It took everything I got mad about and made such light of it that I had to take a step back and say 'why do i get mad over such stupid things?' WoW accounts for sale Crendor is simply amazing in what he does. I'm pretty sure that if not in Youtube, he would have ended writing scripts for independent comics or something like that. I think he is truly creative.
And now I have the song stuck in my head.